
This page lists some of the most popular electronics downloads available from Did you know that there are over 500 pages of electronics know-how available to download and print, in 30 different Modules, just click the "DOWNLOAD MODULE" pdf logo on any module, and it is yours to print and keep.

Many of the modules also use animations to better illustrate electronic circuits and component actions. The Flash animations are ideal for use on desktop computers, projectors and whiteboards, just click the the "FULL SCREEN" button for a full size display. Note: Some animations contain elements (such as slider controls) that do not work well on touch screens, where this may be the case, the downloads are marked with an asterisk*.

Testing Transistors

Testing Transistors

A4 Handout on how to test transistors, a simple step by step transistor testing guide using digital or analogue multi-meters. Identify common transistor package types and pin connections from suppliers datasheets.

Transistors as Amplifiers.

Transistor Amplifiers

There are three ways a transistor can be used as an amplifier. How the transistor is connected affects the way the amplifier works. This is a quick guide explaining the effects of the different connection methods. A4 Handout.

Maths Tips.

Maths Tips

Not everyone who needs to study electronics for the first time, comes from a maths background. To help you with maths problems and methods used in electronics, engineering notation, essential electronics formulae and using a scientific calculator, download this FREE booklet, an extended second edition of our popular guide, to keep as a handy reference.

Formula Finder.

Formula Finder

Studying AC Theory involves remembering lots of facts and formulae. Here is a useful FREE booklet filled with the most useful formulae and concise facts about AC components and circuits.



Due to the 'End of Life' decision issued by Adobe relating to Flash animations, a number of animations have been removed from this page. In the relevant main pages of this website replacement videos are provided in their place.

Combinational Logic Circuit Simulation*

Combinational Logic Simulation

The Digital Electronics Module 4 on offers more than 30 animated combinational logic circuit simulations that can be viewed AND EDITED using Logisim Software, which can also be downloaded FREE from the Logisim page in Module 4.

Sequential Logic Simulation*

Sequential Logic Simulation

The Digital Electronics Module 5 on offers more than 25 animated sequential logic circuit simulations that can be viewed AND EDITED using Logisim Software, which can also be downloaded FREE from the Logisim page in Module 4.